London Notes

Some thoughts on food, pub, drinks in London

Place Category Area Notes
Brat food shoreditch small and modern; reminds me of NOPA in SF; good for large-format seafood and meat ; Good wines ; make a reservation
The Eagle Gastropub Clerkenwell / exmouth market It's chaotic in there, but determined diners are rewarded with some of the best plates in London; Also London's first gastropub
Edition Hotel Lobby Bar Cocktails Fitzrovia proper cocktails; extremely posh crowd and vibe
Sushi Tetsu sushi Clerkenwell Probably the hardest reservation to get in London. At the beginning of the month, reservations are opened for the remainder of the month. My fiancée called their reservation over 300 times and eventually got through after a few hours. London doesn't seem to be nearly as obsessed with sushi as it ought to be, but tetsu delivered a truly great omakase sushi experience.

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